Zambia’s elephant orphans
Orphaned by poachers before they were 2 years old Kavalamanja and Maramba had reached nearly 4 years old, it was time for the 2 elephant calves to graduate from the Lilayi Elephant Nursery to the Kafue Release Facility of the Elephant Orphanage Project, this meant an 11 hour journey by road from Lusaka to Itezhi-Tezhi.
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), a sponsor of the project founded by Game Rangers International, travelled from Johannesburg, South Africa to Lusaka, Zambia to document the release.

Ivan Katongomala an elephant keeper at the Lilayi Elephant Nursery feeds a bottle of milk to one of 2 elephant calves being relocated to Kafue National Park. June 2014.

An elephant orphan followed by one of the keepers on their daily walk at the Lilayi Elephant Nursery. June 2014.

The elephant orphans are put to bed for their last night at the orphanage.

Two keepers use light therapy to treat one of the elephant orphans.

One of the keepers greets one of the orphans shortly before they're released.

The elephant calves are fed bottles of milk before their 11 hour journey to their new home.

An elephant keeper pours water onto the 2 elephant calves, Kavalamanja and Maramba in an effort to keep them cool on their 11 hour journey.

Vets check on the elephants during a pit stop.

A small crowd gathers in Itezhi-Tezhi as the trucks carrying the elephant orphans passes through the village.

One of the keepers says good morning to the orphans a few hours before they're released.

An elephant keeper reaches out to touch one of the elephant calves as they are introduced to their new herd of orphan elephants.

Kavalamanja (R) is greeted by a member of the resident herd of orphaned elephants at the Kafue Release Facility.

Keepers walk with both groups of elephants as the herds get to know each other.

Elephants from the two herds chase each other at the Kafue Release Facility.